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Eurorack Basics

  1. What is an LFO?

    LFOs are a part of most synthesizer keyboards and modular synths. This post will cover the details of what they are, what they do, and the different kinds of LFOs available.
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  2. Polyphony on Eurorack: Is It For You?

    Polyphony is becoming a popular topic in Eurorack circles. This blog article will cover how a system can be used to make polyphonic sounds, and some considerations for setting up a Eurorack modular for polyphony.
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  3. Eurorack Logic Modules Explained

    Logic modules can add a fascinating dimension of sequencing and control. They are especially suited to generative music composition. This blog post will cover how they work and what kinds of logic modules are available.
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  4. How to Make Percussion Sounds with Eurorack

    There are several ways to generate percussion sounds with Eurorack modules:
    1. Drum modules: These modules are specifically designed to create drum sounds and typically include various sound engines, such as sample-based, synthesis-based, and physical modeling. They can also have built-in sequencers and triggers for creating complex rhythms.
    2. Sampler modules: These modules allow you to load samples of your drum sounds and manipulate them in various ways, such as pitch-shifting, time-stretching, and granular synthesis.
    3. Digital synthesis-based modules: These modules use various techniques, such as FM, wavetable, or granular synthesis, to create unique and complex drum sounds.
    4. Noise generators: These modules can generate white, pink, or other types of noise, which can then be processed and shaped into percussion sounds.

    Classic percussion sounds like the 808 and 909 can be re-created by using drum modules that are clones of the circuits in these classic drum machines.

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  5. What is a Synthesizer Voice Module?

    Synthesizer voice Eurorack modules contain all the necessary components to create a complete synthesizer voice, such as oscillators, filters, and envelopes. In addition, these modules can be connected to other Eurorack modules to create a more complex patch or used by themselves as a complete voice.

    Synth voice modules create and shape audio signals through various electronic components, such as oscillators, filters, and envelopes. The oscillators create the basic audio waveforms, such as sine, sawtooth, and square waves, which are then processed by filters and envelopes within one module to shape the sound. The circuits chosen are sometimes from a specific vintage synthesizer, allowing a classic's original sound and personality to reside in the Eurorack system.

    One advantage of buying a synthesizer voice Eurorack module is that it is a compact and all-in-one solution for creating a complete synthesizer voice. This can save space and simplify the process of building a modular

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  6. How To Start Designing a Eurorack System

    This blog post will cover everything you need to know before buying your first Eurorack modular synthesizer, choosing your first modules, and building your system from there. It will also cover some common mistakes and how to avoid them.
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  7. Spring Reverb Eurorack Module and How You Can Use It

    Discover why spring reverb eurorack modules are an excellent addition to any modular synthesizer setup. Please read our detailed guide and give your synthesizer some new life!
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  8. Ring Modulator as a VCA

    Until recently, it never occurred to me to use a ring modulator as a VCA. I typically have sizable systems with dedicated VCAs. But if I think about it, why wouldn’t it work? A ring modulator multiplies the X input signal by the Y or carrier signal. Essentially, this is how a VCA works, but the ring mod does not have a CV or gain control. Those with a small system already know this trick and save themselves space in their rack.

    But what about a vacuum tube ring modulator? It’s a very different design than a solid state ring mod, even though they both perform a multiplication of the X and Y signals. The module uses tubes and transformers in a 1930s circuit design originally purposed for sending multiple telephone calls down one telephone line.

    To test the properties of the Vacuum Tube Ring Modulator, I compared the Dual Lin/Log VCA

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  9. Mistakes I Made When I Got Into Eurorack


    When I first began my modular synth journey, I had no clue what I was doing. Now mind you, it wasn’t because I was unfamiliar with synthesis. In fact, I was well-versed in sound design. My first synthesizers were the Access Virus TI2 and Roland V-Synth—neither were “simple” synths. Instead, both share complex menus, matrix routing, and effects engines, to name a few. To this day, I spend hours programming the Virus and V-Synth, as well as other complex synths, for hours until I get a “good” patch. So why did I have such a hard time at the beginning of modular synthesis?

    MISTAKE #1: Buying a case that I would soon outgrow.

    I underestimated how quickly my system would grow. At the time, I looked at my budget and decided on a Doepfer low-cost wood case. It had a total of 252HP or 3 rows of 84HP. For some readers, that may sound like a sizable case, and it is! With proper planning, I would be able to obtain all of the modules I needed.

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  10. Powering Your Eurorack System


    At first, providing power to a Eurorack modular synthesizer system might seem daunting and complicated. But in reality, there are only a few components involved in powering a Eurorack case. First, the power supply converts wall power to low voltages that the modules can use. The second is a bus board for distributing power from the power supply to each module in the case. The last part of the chain is a ribbon cable connecting the bus board to the modules. This article will go through each of these in detail and explain the options available.

    Power Supply
    The power supply is the first component powering a Eurorack modular system. The power supply can be built into the case internally or be an external power supply or power "brick" like a laptop uses. In both cases, the power supply's output connects to one or more bus boards. Power is then supplied to the individual modules from a bus board through multiple connectors for connecting individual
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